How to Prepare for a New Roofing Installation

Homeowners may need a roofing installation to replace aged materials or address storm damage. This ensures that your property will be better protected from the elements. However, the work will likely result in dust falling from your ceiling or old shingles being tossed from the roof. At ABC Seamless of Nebraska, we try to minimize the impact of our installation on homeowners’ daily lives, but some disruption is unavoidable. The guide below explains what you can do to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

5 Tips to Ready Your Home for a New Roof

1. Protect Attic Belongings

Families often use their attic to store off-season clothing and holiday decor. Drape these items with plastic sheeting or drop cloths to protect them from dust that may come from above as contractors nail down new materials.

2. Take Down Artwork

Roofing requires hammering that will reverberate through your home. Remove artwork and other hanging items from your walls to prevent them from breaking. Set pieces on the floor directly below where they hung so you can easily return them to their original places.

3. Alert the Neighbors

roofing installationIt’s courteous to tell neighbors about roofing installation so they know when to expect some noise. Let them know when the project will start and the projected end-date to allow them to schedule work phone calls and naps around these hours.

4. Maintain the Yard

The roofing installation team will need easy access to the house from the exterior. Make sure there are several places within a few feet of the home where the contractors can place a ladder.

That may mean trimming back shrubs or moving patio furniture. Place toys and landscaping maintenance tools out of the way of falling debris, and create a space for a dumpster if the contractors need one.

5. Make Arrangements for Pets & Kids

Noises from the roof may make pets nervous, scaring them into hiding or running away. Children may be frightened or curious and accidentally get in the way. Therefore, you might want to have your animals and little ones stay with a friend while work is in progress.

5. Communicate with Installers

If you have any issues or concerns throughout the roof replacement process, don’t be afraid to speak to the installers working on your roof, or contact their home office. This helps clear up any misunderstandings and alerts the roofing company to any issues they may not be aware of.

Replace Your Old Roof

If you’re ready to start looking at roof replacement options, contact ABC Seamless of Nebraska today. We’re here to help you protect your home and family with beautiful and durable roofing options that can fit in with any budget.


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